Cori Gómez

Hi there!
I'm Cori Gómez, the group leader of this amazing group!
I'm 15 years old, and I love listening to music and playing instruments, I also really enjoy watching movies and tv shows.
I've never been to Ireland before, so I'm really excited to try this new exprience and to learn about this different culture.
I really like my work group, I'm sure
that we'll do an amazing project!


Today I woke up at 6am, because we had to leave to the airport at 7 am.
It was really early, but it will be totally worth it, we're leaving to Ireland today!
After passing through all the controls, we had a some free time to eat something before actually getting on the plane.
we had to wait for an hour before the plane launched, so the flight ended up being 3 hours long.
When we arrived there, we got on a bus that took us to a service area where we had lunch (at 5pm, I was starving!) and then, after 1 hour, we arrived to Moate, were we met with the families.Maria Garriga and I met with Peggy, and we went grocery shopping.
After that, we had a small dinner and we went straight to bed, we were so tired!
I'm really excited for this trip, because I know I'll have a lot of fun and that I'll learn a lot.

Today we had our first visit,we went to Dublin to see the Jenny Johnnson ship and the EPIC museum.
We leaved at 9am by bus, and it was a 1,5 hours long ride.
The first visit was at the ship. I think that was the most interesting. The Jenny Johnnson was a ship that used to take people from Ireland to Canada or America during the Great Famine. During this visit I learned a lot about the Great Famine.
The ship was not the original one, it was a reproduction made in the 90's. It was great, because there were mannequins of the people who travelled in it, it was kinda scary though...
Anyway, I learned a lot, it was really interesting to learn so much about the causes of the Great Famine.
Then we had a break to eat lunch, and after that we went to the EPIC museum about emmigration in Ireland. this was also ver y useful, because we got to learn a lot about irish culture and its origins, also, it was really fun, because at the entrance they gave you a passaport and you had to put a stamp on it on every exhibition you passed by.
I really enjoyed today, becuase apart from learning a lot we got to see a bit of Irealnd, and we walked around a little.
I really like this type of visits, the ones where we can see the city. It has been a great start for this trip!
I had a loads of fun, and we took lots of pictures!

Today we've been to the Bunratty Castle and the Folk Park and to the Moher Cliffs.
Firstly we arrived to the Castle, which I thought that was going to be a boring visit, but ended up being quite interesting.
Apart from beig really beautiful, we got to learn about its history. After the tour, we had some free time to explore the castle, and we went to the top of the highest tower, were we took some really nice pics.
After that, we had some free time to eat lunch and to explore the park.
The Folk Park was really cute, and because it was quite sunny, we got to really see how beautiful it is.
At 3 o'clock we headed to the Moher Cliffs. It was also a really long ride, but it was totally worth it; even though the weather was horrible ( it was really windy and cold ) we got to see the amazing view and we took loads of really fun pictures!
It was a really fun day, even though the weather was not the best and the bus rides were really long, the view was totally worth it!
Ihad so much fun and I can't wait till the next visits!


Today we've been to the business school of Moate to work in our projects during the morning, and after that, we had lunch.
Once we had lunch, some people from the gaelic football club gave us football leassons which were sooo fun! even though it was raining and cold, we had a great time!
Then, at 3,5 we headed to Clonmacnoise, the first monastery in Ireland.
The visit was kind of boring, but the views were fantastic and it was really pretty.
I feel like today was the day with the most boring visits, but I had loads of fun with my friends!

Today we've been to Dublin. We've visited the GPO and also we've done a guided tour around the city.
The GPO visit was really interesting, because we really got to learn about the Easter Rising in an interesting way.
After that, we had some free time to have lunch and go shopping, which was really fun!
After all of the shopping we went to the guided tour, and I loved it, because apart from learning about the Rising we got to see the city even more.
I think today we've been lucky with the weather, because it was really sunny, and it didn't rain.
I had so much fun today, and I can't belive how fast this trip is passing by!

Today we've visited Galway, and it has been an amazing day:
When we arrived there, we were given instructions to complete a challenge, where we had to answer some questions about the city. Because my group and I finished early, we decided to go eat breakfast at a café.
After that, we had some time to eat lunch, and then. we had the whole evening to ourselves to go shopping.
Today I've had a great day because I really enjoyed having free time with my friends, and not having any visit to do.
Also, I loved Galway, it's really cute and beautiful.
Then, at night, we had the Moate Disco for ourselves, and we had so much fun dancing and singingall together, and at the end we all sang a song together, so it was really emotional.

Today is our last day here! I'm really sad, because I had loads of fun during this trip, I wish we stayed for longer.
After saying goodbye to our host family, we went straight to Dulin, where we visited the Trinity College Library, and me, being the huge Harry Potter fan that I am, I loved it!
After that, we had to finish a challenge in our working groups, which was really fun, and we managed to finish all the questions, evev though we didn't have much time.
After that, we had some free time, and then, we hitted the airport to go home.
In the airport we took some pictures and wereunited with our families.
I've loved this trip, because I feel like I got to know an amazing city, to saw loads of cool places and learned a lot.
Also I've had the opportunity to learn more about my classmates and to interact more with them.
It has been an incredible trip, and I'll never forget it!

During this trip, we stayed with Peggy's family.
Peggy lived with her two doughters, Marie, and Anya.
Marie is 30 years old, and Anya is 27. They all work, Anya and Marie in the mall, and Peggy works from home.
They enjoyed watching movies and chatting, and Peggy relly enjoys riding her bike.

This trip has been amazing, I feel like I really learned a lot in comparison with last year's trip.
I think that the theme, Easter Rising is very interessting, but if I could make some changes, I would do some more activities apart from the Easter Rising, because I feel like all the visits were historical, and I wish we did some more different activities.
Because all the activities were historical, it was a bit difficult to catch on with them, and it ended up being a little repetitive.
If I could repeat something, I would repeat the Dublin guided tour and the free time, where we could explore the city in our own.
I really like the type of assigments we had to do, and the blogs in working groups too.
I wish we stayed for longer, because of how much I enjoyed this trip and how much I loved Dublin.
If I had to decide my mark on this project, I would give me a 7 or a 8, because I think I had a good attitude on this trip, but mabye I could've worked more on our instagram and blog.


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ÉIRE 2018