Driving Question
Has there been any armed group to fight for the Irish Independence? What do you know about it? Can you compare this to a similar one in Catalonia/Spain?
Ireland is one of the countries that form Europe. It's divided in two parts. Ireland and North Ireland. The North belongs to the UK. The capital is Dublin and there are around 6 million people living in the whole country.
A few years ago Ireland was part of the UK but during the 24th of April to the 29th there was a rising from the civils who wanted Irish independence from the UK. The Irish ended up giving up, because they thought that if they attacked during WW1, while the UK's troops are busy, they would have a chance to win, but they were wrong, so they gave up.
Even though they had lost, a lot of people were still aming for the Irish Republic, so in the elections of 1918 the republican party won on Ireland, and they declared the Irish independence, even though they hadn't the UK's permission. Because of that the english police came to Dublin and began to imprision republicans and killed a lot of people because they oppossed to it, and some english officers were killed as well, so the irish independence war was declared.
This conflict ended with the endorsement of the Anglo-Irish treaty, in the 6th of December of 1921. North-Ireland decided to stay with UK but the rest of Ireland wanted the Irish Republic.
The Irish Republican army is any of several paramilitary movements in Ireland in the 20th and 21st centuries dedicated to Irish republicanism. It was a very important army in the war for the proclamation of the Republic.
Ireland is one of the countries that form Europe. It's divided in two parts. Ireland and North Ireland. The North belongs to the UK. The capital is Dublin and there are around 6 million people living in the whole country.
A few years ago Ireland was part of the UK but during the 24th of April to the 29th there was a rising from the civils who wanted Irish independence from the UK. The Irish ended up giving up, because they thought that if they attacked during WW1, while the UK's troops are busy, they would have a chance to win, but they were wrong, so they gave up.
Even though they had lost, a lot of people were still aming for the Irish Republic, so in the elections of 1918 the republican party won on Ireland, and they declared the Irish independence, even though they hadn't the UK's permission. Because of that the english police came to Dublin and began to imprision republicans and killed a lot of people because they oppossed to it, and some english officers were killed as well, so the irish independence war was declared.
This conflict ended with the endorsement of the Anglo-Irish treaty, in the 6th of December of 1921. North-Ireland decided to stay with UK but the rest of Ireland wanted the Irish Republic.
The Irish Republican army is any of several paramilitary movements in Ireland in the 20th and 21st centuries dedicated to Irish republicanism. It was a very important army in the war for the proclamation of the Republic.
In Spain
there has been an armed group who fought for the independence of Basque
Country. The name of this group was ETA (Euskadi Ta Askatasuna). They did
terrorist acts to achieve the independence, so they were hated by the Spanish people.
Nowadays, this group has stopped and they don’t use arms anymore. They killed
lots of people and did really bad things. It's similar to the Irish groups who fought for the independence of Ireland, they are also socialists and nacionalists.
Therefore, the political situation that happened between the United Kingdom and the now Irish Republic resembles the political situation in Catalonia and Spain. But on the other hand we have not done either like the ETA of the Basque Country or like the Irish groups that fought for the independence of Ireland. But that if the majority of Catalans want the independence of Catalonia in Spain and can be achieved but for now and hopefully never in those ways.
In both situations, Irish and the Catalan, there has been a declaration of independence without being agree with the country that they wanted to separate from. This is one of the main characteristics of the process in Ireland and Catalonia. In Ireland this declaration of independence occured 100 years ago, and in Catalonia occured last year. That's why we can say that in Catalonia there is a movement being done during this last years. The government is still fighting to achieve the independence of Catalonia even though the Spanish parliament is trying to stop it.
We believe that's important to remember that there are big differences in how Ireland and Catalonia tried to achieve the independence. On the right side, in Ireland they fought with arms and an army. This means that there were casualities and injures, and innocent people was affected. On the other side, in Catalonia the process is peacful. The citizens do demonstrations and things that don't involve the use of arms.
There is this difference mainly because of the epoch. In the 1900s there was wars in the world. Nowadays, there is much more democrcy and the use of weapons is limitated.
Therefore, the political situation that happened between the United Kingdom and the now Irish Republic resembles the political situation in Catalonia and Spain. But on the other hand we have not done either like the ETA of the Basque Country or like the Irish groups that fought for the independence of Ireland. But that if the majority of Catalans want the independence of Catalonia in Spain and can be achieved but for now and hopefully never in those ways.
In both situations, Irish and the Catalan, there has been a declaration of independence without being agree with the country that they wanted to separate from. This is one of the main characteristics of the process in Ireland and Catalonia. In Ireland this declaration of independence occured 100 years ago, and in Catalonia occured last year. That's why we can say that in Catalonia there is a movement being done during this last years. The government is still fighting to achieve the independence of Catalonia even though the Spanish parliament is trying to stop it.
We believe that's important to remember that there are big differences in how Ireland and Catalonia tried to achieve the independence. On the right side, in Ireland they fought with arms and an army. This means that there were casualities and injures, and innocent people was affected. On the other side, in Catalonia the process is peacful. The citizens do demonstrations and things that don't involve the use of arms.
There is this difference mainly because of the epoch. In the 1900s there was wars in the world. Nowadays, there is much more democrcy and the use of weapons is limitated.
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